
Showing posts from 2009


Baby, im so into you . . You've got me something what can i do? Baby, you stir me arround . . The earth is moving but i cant feel the ground . . Everytime you looked at me My heart is jumping It easy to see . . Lovin u means so much more . . More than everything i've ever felt before . . U drive me crazy . . I just cant sleep . . Im so excited im in to deep . . Crazy but it feels alright . . Baby thinking of you keeps me up all night

Kata Maaf Terdalam

kala itu,, di home facebookku . . terbaca olehku statusmu . . kau tau?? mungkin rasa ini hadir dilubukku karena semua itu kau tau?? aku merasa sakit mu karena ku kau tau?? aku sakit melihatmu begitu aku berdosa . . membuatmu menginginkanku lalu kutinggalkan dirimu kala ku jemu aku bersalah . . membuat sinar di matamu lalu ku padamkan kala ku mau aku terkutuk . . membuatmu bersaing dengan kawanmu sementara aku tertawa dan bersemu tahukah kau kini ku termangu? tahukah kau kini ku menangis? tahukah kau kini batinku sakit? jujur . . kau tak lebih dari menarik .. kau tak lebih dari pemuas dahagaku . . dan kau tak lebih dari kawan SMA-ku . . maafkan aku . . maafkan aku . . maafkan aku . . maafkan aku . . maafkan aku . . maafkan aku . . jujur . . aku ingin menyayangimu . . aku ingin mencintaimu . . aku ingin membalas rasamu . . namun tahukah kau . . hatiku tak dapat ku bohongi .. cintaku tak dapat menghendaki . . harap ku . . . bukalah pin...

A Perfection

I told my self “how to face the day with my own way” Than a voice in the outsides said, “with a perfection …” I wanna talk about perfection. I have one simple question to be answered “WHY WE HAVE TO DO ANYTHING WITH A PERFECTION??” maybe some of you will say “absolutelly!!” or anything that sign a pro oppinion. But for me, I will say “no, we havent” Pernah ga sih kalian semua mikir kalo hidup dalam suatu kesempurnaan itu menyakitkan? Atau emang Cuma aku aja yang have oppinion like this? When anybody show me a right way to move on, I really know that it is “Right” for me. They just want the best for me to life on this “unright” period, but the mistake is these intructions or what so ever its not my style. That’s not my way. That’s not me. And for all the high expectation to me to be perfect, fyi that’s killing me. Its like you put a very big rock on to my back. And I will fall because my unstrong body cant hold up it weight. Than, if my tears falling down from my eyes, do...

You, Boy . .

The way u told me ur very secret . . The way u trust me to listen to ur story . . The way u making me melted with ur cool minds . . The way u be your self in this crazy period . . The way u answered all my question . . The way u called me ‘Nduk’ that making me feel so speciall . . Don’t u ever think boy, u making ur part on my diary . . U making ur part on my head And making ur part on my heart . . And don’t u know . . The way u making me wake from my sleep . . The way u walk on my darkness . . The way ur effort to make me fly in the right sky . . The way u realized me about our distance . . The way u realized me about our differents . . The way u destroyed all my dreams . . That’s realized me that our memories are nothing . . And Im nothing but ur junior Im nothing but a stupid girl who are in the lowest level on your perfect life. No problems boy, Before ur charmness freze my head, I’ll kill this thought Before it is too late to be stopped, I’ll kill this fe...

Thats why my legs doesnt sexy again

jadi ini post uda aku masukin FB, tapi uda tak rubah dikit gitu . . check this out!!! Look at that picture . .!! Yah that looks ummm lil bit freak, isnt it?? Guess what, that’s my legs. Yah beside the colors or the shape or what so ever which are u see in that pic, I want u to give attention on that bandage. And something what on it that have red colors. That’s my blood. Yes, my legs get hurted. I wanna tell you about my dramatical story that happened to me and my legs. I want to tell clearly so I’ll use bahasa Indonesia. Jadi, the story began when Novi, Wiratri, and me mau pergi makan siomay di tempatnya Kang Cepot. It placed at Jakal km brapa gatau. Yah emang slaen uda jadi tukang somay famous, konon kabarnya Kang Cepot ini adalah tukang somay favorit kami. So, ya kita males aja kalo harus makan somay di tempat laen. Pokoknya, Kang Cepot adalah best of the best Tukang Somay deah!! U all have to mampir kesana!! Dan nek uda mampir jangan lupa nyicipi. Ato u all bakalan nyesel. (KAN...

I did NYALON guys!

Hello everybody! Hows ur sunday? Mine . . umm . . Yeah i got a funtastic experience for sucha katrok one like me. Let me tell u . . I have made over my self!! No! Not made over. I did treatment at salon. Yup! For a God heavens, It kinda fun! My mainly reason is to kill a civilization on my head. So that, i did HAIR MASK. Yg mencurigakan adalah, they asked me to wear kemben. Yah aq uda cengar cengir ga jelas minta penjelasan. Finta : 'lho mbak, kan saya mau HAIR mask. Knp pake kemben?' Si mbakny : 'kan juga mau dipijet mbak . . ' Oke. Pasrah. I felt grateful to brought much money. Than, they asked me to sat on tempat kramas. Dan saya duduk. That mbak salon washed my hair. Trus udahan keramasny kan. Nha aq duduk deh ditempat duduk (iyalah masak di wc?). Si mbak2 salonpun mulai asyik maskerin rambutq pakek alpokat while i woried kalo2 kembenny mlorot. Itu kemben kegedean gitu si. Padahal yg ukuran se aku kan ada. bzzt . . Than, after mask processed, ti...

I am a secret admire one. And im proud of it :DD

Hello mellow yellow guuuurrllsss . . I lost my ability to write on if i aint in love. I mean not at all kok. But it doesnt as fluent as if im on it. And now . . . umm . . Im stil not on in love but but but . . mmmm . . . I just admire to someone and he is catchy to me. (Yeah if he isnt catchy i never wanted to admire him lah. Piye je . . ) FYI, he is my senior at SMADA (the coolest school in the whole world dah!) And the shitty things which ve been happening is he has TAKEN!! Poor me . . :(( Ok, he dont know ANYTHING bout me actually. Maybe to look toward me aja kayakny he has no time. Yeah if someday there is a miracle come and he knows my name, i would sujud syukur. Huehehe . . Ok the point is . . (Wis mubeng2 akhire yo point e lg saiki) today i went school with him!! Ok you permited to think anything. But i clarificated, I WAS JUST IN BEHIND OF HIM, BY MY OWN MOTORBIKE. Sounds uncool i know. But i didnt follow him kok. He was overtaking me when i was riding my motorb...

I heart my SHS whole life no matter if it full of my stupidity or my fussies mouth

Hey guys!! How's life? Mine is crowded. I heart my life for nowadays. Whatta gratify moments which were i had been getting at my whole SHS life. I must be greatful. I sucha fussy person and i over confidence with it. And i think it bring me close to many people who i've been knowing and have been knowing me. And i really happy if i walked arround the school and somebody was greeting me. It was so makin me loves my school atmosphere. And to having a lot of friend is so fun, isnt it? Maybe next time i'll post u my collection photos of me and amy friends. There were awesome! :D Just remembering when we were making an assembly in da mornin at the corner of the balcony. The pioner of this were Mamah Dini and Rara. By the times, i and Astri and sum people began to gather together with it assembly. We just did sumthing not important things like did gosiiping, readin miiko, eat snacks, and laughing to kill the morning times. It was so fun! And remembering back to sum sil...

Yes i am one of those. So what ? ?

To the point. Aku GASUKA sama org yang bisanya NGE-ALAYALAY-IN orang lain. Trus sama orang yg sukany NGE-LEBAYLEBAY-IN orang lain. Sombong! Sok sempurna! Gag NGACA sebelum bilang kek gitu. Jadi critanya td aq hbs baca blog orang yg UNTUNGNYA aq gakenal. Di blogny ituh si orang nulis tentang ciri2 orang ALAY dan betapa sebelnya dy sama para ALAYers itu. Sering bgt aq nemu orang2 jenis kayak gini. Gag yg di dunia maya atao yg dunia nyata. Buat aq mereka tuh such as MUNAFIK person. Sok sokan. Dan yah, meski mungkin ini bakalan ALAY bgt, tapi anda anda yg suka bilangin orang lain ALAY sebenerny yg ALAY tu ya KALIAN SENDIRI!! Mungkin u all the readers pasti mikir kalo saya ALAY dan LEBAY. Yes, I am. Yes im sucha ALAY PERSON. I proudly confess it. So? What? Is that something wrong? U all could to hate me , disslike me , or some what like that. I dont even care bout that. Nothing but waste my time. Im happy with my ALAY thingy. And if u wont to respect me and disslike me or w...

These are what i've been hating and something i've loved about . .

Oke guys. Im sure that u all must be know bout pimples, dont u? Yep! Every teenager included me hate it. Offcourse. Those pimples really killin me. Ok, my skin arent as sencitive as u may think actually. But if i get my PMS though it not every month, my skins getting full of something like tiny mount or somewhat like this. Very tiny. But my hands couldnt stopping to scratch it. Yah u know what happen next lah. Its pretty dejecting. Those heckin black spots or pimples spread arround my face. Bzzt . . I hate it so bad ! ! The second symptoms of PMS are moody and peevish. Well, they r not as dejectin as pimples. But i've pretty successed for frighten my sista. Hwahaha . . If i get my Moody, i always feel that i wanna cry all the times. It feels like no body understands me. Annoyed. Seems like there is a huge rock beeting up my deepest heart. And the fedest up thing of all is 'i dont know why'. But, coz of i have a very nobly heart, i got better immediately. Whek...


Halo semua? Lama tak bersua . . . Whahaha bhsane mekso bgt. Okok. Aq ga pengen ngemengin masalah mekso emang karna masalah mekso meksoan tu kurang elit aj gtu diomongin. (Halah fin, sok elit . . ) I wanna talk bout love. Cailah . . But it doesnt mean that im in love guys. Just wanna talk. Yeah, love is a feeling which is everybody who are still in normal condition certainly known. Hmm, i bet not just known, but experienced. Love is universal feeling. It doesnt mean just happened between a men and a women that have a feeling to eachother. But love is more than this. I know that u, the reader surely know what i mean. It have been happening to me. A beautiful feeling. I would never to hurt, to lose all the people who i loves. Such as my mother and my father. My sista absolutely. I cant and wont to imagine if they are far from me, if they in trouble, if they die . . I wont to imagine. Their smiles is my heaven. And their tears is my oil to make a hell fire. I love my famm wit...

If i go mad . .

oke. kayaknya ini bakal jadi posting paling gag mutu yang pernah aku produksi. tapi ya beginilah adanya . .. AKU BOSEN LIBURAN !!!!!!! tuhkan gag mutu . . yawdah biar lebih mutu aku mau nulis . . . . . apaya?? hmmm . . . wishlist!!! my WISHLIST punya lappie . . punya headset baryu (yg asli rusak, yg bru bli ilang . .) punya KAKAK!! punya pacar punya sepatu baru BEBAS !!! JADI COWOK dapet nilai bagus pas mid bisa bahasa Jepang TIDUR :P hwehwhwhwwweeeee , ,, tambah lama tambah gag mutu. iya soalnya aku lagi stressss . .. mbuh ngoppo . eiya . . PUISI KU DIMUAT DI HARJO LHHOOOOOOOOOOo . . . ANGPAO KU BANYAK LHOOOOOOOOOOO njuk ngopo . . .

Me and My Korean Thingy

Hello hello . . Anyieong .. !! jadi jadi jadi . . aku lagi gila sama Korea. yang ironisnya, that country dulu aku siasiakan dalam kamus negara kerenku. dulukan waktu aku masih keren (sekarang keren level 2 :P)negara negara yang aku paporitin n aku pengen kesana tuh : Perancis soalnya katanya prancis tu romantis Amrik kayaknya keren aja gitu Mekkah dong. secara akukan orang islam. hehehehe . . India TAJMAHAL Singapore shopping kan, blas gada negara Asia yang ada Drama2nya gitu. India kan bollywood bukan drama. dan yah emang aku tuh slalu mikir kalo Korea, Jepang, ataou apapun yang ke asiaasiaan tuh gag keren. kalok anak ex92 dulu ngomongin "eh si itu keren , eh si anu ganteng , eh si . . " aku tu gadong blas apa ug dimaksud GANTENG , KEREN, Cakepnya orang korea. trus kalok si Eka ma temen2nya pada ngomongin lagu2 korea, aku tuh ilfil gimana get. "kayak gini apa yg bgs cobak?" trus klo si Eka bawa2 kamus korea kemana-mana buat aku tu aneh bgt. (ma...


Helo helo there ! ! Whaz up?! Kalau aq sumpah aq dlm keadaan malas amat sangat. Hehe . . Apa yg saya malaskan? Its a gud question . BLAJAR ! ! Dan PLAJARANNYA MATEMATIKA . Hadeh . . Sebenenrny y, sblumny aq tu gapernah semalay ini sama MTK. Malah justru dulu tu aq cintaaa bgt sama MTK. Setiap ngerjain soal MTK tu nyenengin aj gtu buat aq. Rasany kayak detektif yg harus mecahin rintangan untuk mencapai menemukan jawaban kasusny. Dan aq sangat nikmatin setiap langkah2 pengerjaanny. Itu masa lalu. Skarang, smenjak aq meletakkan pantatq dibangku SMA, smua problem MTK itu jadi kayak 'Makanan apaan sih nih? Susah bgt ngunyahny. Buang aj ah . . ' Ya begitulah intiny. Dan aq ga pernah selemot ini dalam MTK sebelumny. Gatau plajaranny yg emang terlalu susah untuk dicerna atau guruny yg gabisa ngajar atao otakq yg trlalu payah. Yg jelas aq gadong ama thats roots form and other MATH thingy. Cilakany, bsk senen tuh ada senenan yg dgn menyebalkan, MTK lah subjekny. DA...

Ramadhan and Pacar saya

MARHABAN YA RAMADHAN . . HEPI FASTING !!! oleoleole . . but to be frank, its the freakest Ramadhan that i ever had. yuph, cz i feel so no sensation between ramadhan and another month. yah just in ramadhan we do fasting but in another month we dont. if you want to know my daily life in ramadhan , it just like Mbah Surip's song. BANGUN TIDUR TIDUR LAGI. hahahaha . . not spesial isnt it? know i wanna share about my (dreamed) BOY FRIEND . his name is KIM HYUN JOONG .. !!! check it out!! KYAAAAAAAAAAA !!!! sumpah meleleh saya !!!!

Nyaur Utang

Hello there . . whats up whats up . .?? ni akku mao nepatin janji plus mao nyoba spoiler :P (Because I’m stupid) – SS501 —————ROMANIZATION————— neh muli nuhmoona nabbasuh nuh hana bakkeh nan moleuh go daleun sarameul bogo itneun nun ilun nen ma eumdo moleuh getji nuheh haroo eh naran ubgetji ddo choo uk jocha ubgetjiman nuhman balaman bogo itneun nan jaggoo noonmooli heu leuh go issuh nuh eh dwitmoseub eul boneun gutdo nan hengbok iyah ajik nah eh ma eum eul mollado ggeutneh seuh chi deusshi gado ni ga nuhmoo bogo shipeun nal en nuhmoo gyundigi himdeun nal eh neun nuh leul sarang handa ibga eh mem dol ah honja dashi ddo crying for you honja dashi doo missing for you baby i love you, i’m waiting for you nuheh haroo eh nan ubgetji ddo giyuk jocha ubgetjiman nuh man baraman bogo itneun nan honja choo uk eul mandeul go issuh neh gen sarangilan areumda oon sangchuh gatta nuh eh yehbbeun misoleul bo ahdo hamggeh nan ootjido mot heh ni ga nuhmoo seng gak ...

IM BACK . . . ^__^

Hello blog .. Long time no see. Yah im too busy and too lazy to blogging. Actually I really miss u as my blog. Let me see .. WOW !! the last post which I was posted to you is on MAY 19th . OWOWOWOW!! That mean, I had been leaving u about THREE MONTHS . Hahaha . . Im sorry . . By the way, at May 19th I was an JHS student at 8 JHS Yogyakarta. And now, Im a  SHS STUDENT !! how fast this life . . Althought im not a member of 1 SHS my vision school, I must be greatfull to the God. I accepted in 2 SHS Yogyakarta . Coz my score couldn’t reached 1 SHS. To be honest, im so disappointed till now. And if you ask to me ‘do you enjoy your day at your SHS?’ and absolutely I will answer ‘ NO I DON’T’. But I wont tell u the reason. I don’t want people know about “HOW IT SENIORITAS SO ANNOYED US” me I mean. Cause it makes my emotion up every it memory back again to my beloved brain. One thing about SMADA (2 SHS ussually called), one of extraculliculer named TONTI was so egoist and resentful....

Happy B'day Dear . .

HAPPY B'Day SISTA . . Wish u all the best !!! muaaah . . btw, i wanna answer Nindi's question :( yeah nindi. im verrrrryyyy HEARTACHE about that. and im so sad coz u and all of clasmate thought the same with u. and im so so so sad coz i dont know what is my fault. and i wish the time rushing along.

Emosi . . hiah . .

Geelak! Anjrot! Damn! Ih rasanya gue tersinggung bgd d! Y ampun mksud gue baik tauk! Ga ada mksud jelek blas. Ya ampun gue ga dihargain. Mangny kalian pikir aku kayak gini ntu mksudny ap?! MEMUDAHKAN KALIAN !! Malah nyepelein geto lg! Uh Mangkel ako! Sabar . . Sabar . . Orang sabar disayang pacar . . Ufh . . Tarik napas . . hembuskan . .

Hari Terakhir tapi Sad Ending

Heheheeheh . . Sayonara!! Sayonara!! UASnya uda selesai !! SAYONARA !! Penderitaan bgt deh tadi pas UAS hari ini. When : Rabu, 13 Mei 2009 Where : SKOLAH What : UAS AGAMA Lagi enak2 nongkrong gitu didepan mushola tiba2 . . TTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTT . .*belnya bunyi* Shella: Yo berjuang!! Chris : iya ni hari trakhir Aku : IYA SEMANGATTT!!! Trus ke kelas masing-masing. Dikelasku Pas nglewatin bangku Ryan Ryan : Fin, aku gga belajar lho !! Eh kamu punya kertas gga. *sambil ngrogohngrogoh laci gitu* gajadi Fin, aku ada kertas og. Nanti aku bantuin yaa . . . Aku : *bengong dalam hati pengen nimpuk Ryan sambil bilang ‘aku juga gga belajare hehehe’ sembil senyum setan Trus tiba2 pengawasnya dateng tak lain tak bukan adalah BU SEPTI ama PAK BAMBANG MINTARAGA. Trus mereka bagiin soalnya. Nha pas itu gga tau kenapa tiba2 ada feeling2 gaenak gitu. Hadu mampus nni. Kaga blajar sama sekali lagi . . wawawaww!! Semoga ajja soalnya kaga sulit. Nengok nengok keblakang gitu ne...

When i believe . .

i really, really, really dont know what i want to do. i felt like faucet. yes, a big float came to me. but i wont tell it. it make me ashamed. ok ?? and now guys, its time to school exam. but i really havent intention to study. if in final exam i do honest, but for this, im not promise. hehehehe . . tell me how to study seriously !! because i cant. yah, its not totaly my fault, its the subject fault. why the subject isnt interest?? hehe,, maybe im not fair. but in this world what is fair?? only subject which i like, i will learn seriously but if the subject which i hate, only hearing its just name, I have wanted puking. and now, can be told i do the exam WITHOUTH STUDY !! claps ur hand !! and if i get 8 in each every subject, ITS JUST MIRACLE . . . . it can be miracle, when u believe . . . . who know what miracle u can achive . . . . when u believe somehow u will . . . . u will when u believe . . (mariah carey-when u believe) AND I BELIEVE !!!

Where is me?

I feels so alone. Altought i know that i have all my best friend. I lost something important in my life. I lost my self. I miss my self. Im different i know that. I became silent. And i lost my friend. I feel alone. Oh . . Where is me?


Hello all . . Im back from a period of hiatus becoz of UNAS. And now . . UNAS remain memory !!! lol . Yah rather than underestimating, but its easier than the try out. And now, I just can prayer hope that I can pass the final exam and get the MAXIMUM NEM and becoming student of 1 shs. Aminnnn . . wish me luck !! Ok, now I wont to tell u bout that. I have annoyed enaugh. And I’m sure that u are feel the same with me. But trust me, I did it my self without cheating or did dishonest. Now, its time to have fun again. I DON’T WANNA THINK ABOUT SCHOOL EXAM. I DON’T WANNA STUDY FOR THIS. I DON’T CARE. But when I told it to Shella, she advised me “ if you dishonest when u do the school exam althought its not too important for you to get your dream school, im sure that THE MIRACLE OF UNAS will be not have an effect on.” Oh so sweet . . she is tactful suddenly. I wanna cry . . T~T Oh my GOD !! I forgot something important !! I AM TAKEN !! Oh finally !! Not hospital. (my heart ...

Pra UNAS tragedi

di luar dugaan banget bahwa akhirnya akku JATUH SAKIT sedi banget. padahal tinggal 2 hari lagi. itu artinya kurang dari 2x 24 jam aku akan melaksanakan yang namanya UNAS atau yang namanya UAN atau yang namanya UJIAN AKHIR NASIONAL wawawawa . . kebanyakan belajar bikin stres bikin sakit bikin gejje bikin aneh bikin GILA *sok2an belajar . .* jadi, aku akan mengalami fase HIATUS dalam kurun waktu berhari2 ini oke . . so, PRAY FOR ME PLEASE . . IM SO NERVOUS . . tengkyu . .


tadi pas pelajarannya mba etik, akku ma anak2 kan udda selesai ngerjain. trus kita bikin nama samaran pakek nama bakteri. hehehe . . here they are . . akku ASPERGILLUS WENTI (soalnya akku item kayak kecap)) aliya RHIZOPUS OLIGOS PORUS (aliyatempehahahaha)) aan ACETOBACTER XYL INUM (INEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEM) aan LAC TOBAC ILUS BULGARICUS (yang dikasih nama gga tau)) dwi MONILLA SIT OPHIL A (yang dikasih nama gga rela)) hahahahah . . gejje bukan??

Hardest Day

I think,, Im in a very vary hard and bad day now. Cant enjoy anything. Cant smile like ussual. Yeah . . I am. I think I have many big problems n I don’t know whad. Um .. several I know but . . I know I have done many mistakes n it makes me feel so bad. Banyak kejadian yang gga tahu kenapa terjadi dan its easily happened to me. Akuu bener2 gga ngerti apa salah kku sama *a*** dan **a* sampe mereka segitu jahadnya sama akku. Akku baru pernah inni dijahatin orang sampek akku bener2 down. Sampe akku speechless gga bisa bela diri aku kayak getto. Am I talk to much? Very much? If yes, when im talked about u?? I didn’t talked anything about you. I m not trying to get ur attention. Please respect me like I respect to you. Maybe I cant angry in front of you. But my heart is so sad n I cant stop to think about it. Please tell me what something wrong that I did to u. please. And please trust me. I don’t love you. I don’t love ur friend. I don’t love ALL OF YOUR FRIEND!! And please DON’T DO THAT...


Akhirnya kau pun pergi Biarkan ku disini Ternyata kau juga tak punya hati Di hati tak terperi Sedih kutelan sendiri Mau marah tapinya sama siapa? Kini aku disini Cuma sendiri Tiada yang mencari Sampai hati Sampai begini Kau tak peduli Oh… teganya Apakah salah dan dosaku Mengapa s’mua tinggalkan ku Mau marah tapinya sama siapa? Pedih ku tak terbendung Langit ku mendung tiada berujung K’mana berlindung Sekarang engkau pun pergi K’napa begini hatiku sedih Ku sendiri…

dua makhluk langka

ini saia membagi gambar tak jelas dari dua orang kakak beradek yang tag jelas. konon kabarnya, foto ini diambil sekitar pukul 11 - 12 malam . . . hihiiiiiiiiiiiiii

The Ugly Duckling

Once upon a time down on an old farm, lived a duck family, and Mother Duck had been sitting on a clutch of new eggs. One nice morning, the eggs hatched and out popped six chirpy ducklings. But one egg was bigger than the rest, and it didn't hatch. Mother Duck couldn't recall laying that seventh egg. How did it get there? TOCK! TOCK! The little prisoner was pecking inside his shell. "Did I count the eggs wrongly?" Mother Duck wondered. But before she had time to think about it, the last egg finally hatched. A strange looking duckling with gray feathers that should have been yellow gazed at a worried mother. The ducklings grew quickly, but Mother Duck had a secret worry. "I can't understand how this ugly duckling can be one of mine!" she said to herself, shaking her head as she looked at her last born. Well, the gray duckling certainly wasn't pretty, and since he ate far more than his brothers, he was outgrowing them. As the days went by, the poor ...

Thats happened . .

Halo semua . . Yeyeyeyeeyey Akhirnya TPM menyebalkan ittu usai sudda . . huft *sambil menghembuskan napas* Like usually akku akan merekap TPM 4 hari ntu sesuai pendapat kku . . check it out . . B.IND :: why ?? why??? Why??? WHy?? WHY??? WHY are the people who makes the question is so ANJROT !!! HUH !!! B.ING :: oke, I hope you can help and raise all of my score. Amiin . . MTK :: kenapa kao mengecewakkankku honey?? Padahal akku udda pede bgt e buat ngerjain kmmu sampek2 akku gga sinau blas n dgn bangganya ngitung 8 x4 = 37 kawandkawand!!! *koplo tenan . .* IPA :: just one song which can describe my feeling to you .. SMAKIN KKU KE JAR SMAKIN KAO JAOH . . . Yahyahyahayah . . and by the time I BECOME STRESS AND CRAZY !!! right right right . . tapi selain ntu adda jugag lho beritta bahagia dalam hidup kku . . you know whad teman2 . . nilai TPM kotta kku not bad lah. Kalok dibilang buad akku adda kenaikkan. Gga mao tag sebuttin berapa intinya naek. ...

behind the mutungs

Lets think !!! Maybe I’m change but think, I’m just growing up and you know ?? is it normally?? Yes we are in bad conditions and I don’t know why but I think slowly but sure I become selfish and (bahasa inggrisnya mutung apa cobak??) Udda ah sok2an inggrisnya. Wagu malah. (mas angga marai tambah mutung wae . . asemb)) Pokokmen intine mutung. Gga tau yya akku og jadi mutungan yy?? Gga patio kog. Jauh diujung dunia sana masih banyak yg lebih mutungan lagi. *kesannya bela diri bgt:P* Sebenernya kalok kita think smart, pasti mutung tuh ada alasannny lah. Gga mungkin lage orang mutung kok gga ada alasannya. So, yg bkn akku mutung adalah BAD CONDITION. Yyayayayya . . sok keren emang. Mungkin karna udda mau UNAS, jadi kadar stress seseorang dapat meningkat drastis. Makanya akku jadi betmutan kayak gini. (baek to akku gga nyalain orang laen??!!)) Sebenernya akku gga tau jugag. Aku yang eror ato orang laen yang pada eror. Huft akku jadi tidak habis pikir . . Contohny ya...

kutukan 22

HUAHUAHUAHUA . . lets cry together HUAHUHAUHAUHAUHA . . again !! HUAHUAHUA . . again !! huhah . huhah . huhah . (kayak orang kepedesen yyah ?? )) pokoknya intinya akku lagi apes n sial bgt hari inni. tanggal berapa sih sekarang?? ohya .. akku ingat. tanggal 22 saudara-saudara . . 22 (bagi yang kelas 94 pasti tau apalah arti dan filosofi dari angka 22)) yah memang hari ini nasib membawa saya ke pada ketidak beruntungan. begini ceritanya teman-teman . . dipagi yang mendung pukul 5 saia terbangun dari tidur yg tidak indah. yya . . hal ittu dikarenakan mimpi yang tidak indah yang tidak perlu saia ceritakan kepada khalayak ramai. lalu saia segera bangkit to prepare - prepare soalnya mau TO di SMADA. uddah ditengah jalan, eh ujan deres. alhasil baju, tas, dan sepatupun dgn basah dgn sukses. lalu saia turun dari motor karena sudah sampai SMADA. trus saiacelingukan ga jelas. bingung bg...

gga konek+bolot=lemot

HYA Halo semua apa kalian merasakan apa yang akku rasakan ?? Yah Yah FINALLY THE EXAM IS OVER !!!! Yah sebenernya sih pra exam. Tapi apapun itu yang jelas its make me so crazy. Yya gemana gga crazy ,, Pagi – pagi sampek skul lgnsung blajar, trus habis itu langsung do the test, habis ittu lang back to home (gelag gga si seorang finta langsung back to home??)), habis ntu ngulet2 bentar trus blajar lagi . . geto trus slama 4 hari. Gimana gga gendeng akku ?? Padahal akku ttu yang namanya belajar koneknya susah. (kata Yapi kabelnya konslet)) Inni serius n akku gga tau knapa. Yya sebenernya gga cuman pas blajar. Emang baru-baru inni akku terkena sebuah penyakit yang cukup berbahaya dan dapat menyita atau mengurangi konsentrasi dan bikin lama melumat suatu informasi dalam otak saia. Nama penyakit berbahaya ittu adalah LEMOT TINGKAT ATAS. Yyayaya. Sepertinya namanya begitu. Dan sampai sekarang dunia ke dokter hewanan belum menemukan appa obatnya. So, for all people ajj...

adda cinta di hati saia (wesseh . .)

Akku jatuh cinta jatuh cinta cinta kepada . .(j-rock bgt)) Yya tapi emang kenyattaan bgt. Kku lg poll in loph ,, *malu* Xixixi Gga tau deh,, Harusnya kkan orang in luph ttu bahagia, nha inni aneh. I never felt this way before . . Akku seneng akhirnya setelah sekian lama akku gga ada rasa ama siapa pun tiba2 skarang akku bisa mbuka kembali hati kku yang sempet mati suri ittu . . Tapi di sisi laen akku ngrasa ITS STRANGE and I don’t know why, but im sure that IM FALLING IN LOVE. Tapi, yya akku ga bisa ngungkapin lewat kata kata. Ni to the point ajja . . Semua pasti tau mxitkan ??(yang gga tauk brarti kelamaan hidup di TPU)) Yya berawal dari kegemaran saia ber Chating ria saia berkenalan dgn seorang bernama **** (baca: hospital)) nha, awalnya biasa ajja kita chating biasa udda lama dan semua berjalan biasa bgt. tappi uniknya, saia tau siapa hospital ittu dari kelas 7. tapi dia gga tau saia. Tappi sebenarnya dengan keadaan yang kayak gitu kku lebih sukkak dari pada tau sa...

akhirnya berhasil jugag !!

yah teman-teman,, coba bayangkan akhirnya saia berhasil mengganti templates saia setelah melalui perjalanan yang cukup berat dan melelahkan yang dapat merenggut kebahagiaan dan membuat saia tidak dapat bernapas untuk beberapa waktu tapi hebat nya saia gga mati *lebailebai* sebenarnya saia sudah berjaung sampai saia kurus dan kelaparan sampai akhirnya saia menemukan dewi penyelamat dunia yang bisa ngganti templates blog. dewi ittu adaalah . . RAHMA (tengs sis . .) ia saia kan ngiri liat semua bisa ngganti template, saia pun mencoba tapi hasilnya nihil. lalu saia mengeluh kepada ibu (biasa saia panggil imuk . .)) saia : muk, gagal maning gagal maning . imuk : apa?? mau kentut egag bisa2 po?? saia : bukan !! (mrengut)) imuk : lha?? saia : muk, akku maw kursus ngeblog ajja imuk : ngeblog ttu appa?? saia : haduhaduh . . (hanya dapat mengelus dada yang trepes . .)) yya,, intinya percuma nanya imuk tapi imuknya ggag dong. huft. tapi gga papalah . . yang penting sa...

harapan vs kenyataan

eh pernah denger mitos kalok kamu berharap apa yang kamu harapin gga bakalan nyata tpi kalok kmu diem ajja malah hal-hal yang gag pernah kepikiran malah jadi adda kayak kejutan . . (bentar-bentar,, aku nulisnya bingung anda mbacanya lebih bingung ga?? yah bingung gga bingung, tak anggap bingung ajja yy??)) *lebailebai* yayyaya kalok akku sendiri sebenernya bukan denger cumak mencoba menganalisis dari kehidupan saia yang gga adda beresnya. (yyayayaya . . pengalaman pribadi memang lebih membekas)) *uohooohohohoho* nni kalok gga mudeng akku beberin contihnya (conto maksudnya . )) 1. pas lebaran kamu mengharap dapet bnyak angpao trus berhayal jadi orang paling sugih sedunia tapi kenyataannya bukan dapet duit, eh malah dikasih sejuta lemper dari simbah2 mu yang ngerasa bahwa lemper adalah makanan terbombastis pada jamannya dan kamu harus nyobain kalok ngga ntar kamu dikutuk jadi telo selamanya. (nasibnasib . .)) 2. karena trauma taon sebelumnya,, taon inni kamu stay cool gga nga...
kok perasaan hari ini jayus bgt eaw?? hanya TPM bahasa indonesia gga menarik banget. (mana soal nya 17 halamn. buset bgt dah) lebailebai apalagi harus ketemu ma KUNYUK satu ntuh. wawawawawaw so, akku putuskan untuk menyendiri dan pasang muka seram (gga usa dipasang mang udda seram sih, tpi untuk menambah efek sebel dan kacau, perlu ditambah bumbu2 dikit ;p) yah paling hanya ntu untuk hari ini. oia,, pesen untuk si kunyuk,, GUE AJJA YANG JAOH2 DARI LO, GUE ENEG LIAT MUKE LO