IM BACK . . . ^__^

Hello blog ..
Long time no see. Yah im too busy and too lazy to blogging. Actually I really miss u as my blog.
Let me see .. WOW !! the last post which I was posted to you is on MAY 19th . OWOWOWOW!! That mean, I had been leaving u about THREE MONTHS. Hahaha . . Im sorry . .
By the way, at May 19th I was an JHS student at 8 JHS Yogyakarta. And now, Im a SHS STUDENT !! how fast this life . .
Althought im not a member of 1 SHS my vision school, I must be greatfull to the God. I accepted in 2 SHS Yogyakarta. Coz my score couldn’t reached 1 SHS. To be honest, im so disappointed till now. And if you ask to me ‘do you enjoy your day at your SHS?’ and absolutely I will answer ‘ NO I DON’T’. But I wont tell u the reason. I don’t want people know about “HOW IT SENIORITAS SO ANNOYED US” me I mean. Cause it makes my emotion up every it memory back again to my beloved brain.
One thing about SMADA (2 SHS ussually called), one of extraculliculer named TONTI was so egoist and resentful. TONTI is the most exclusive excul in that school. If you be a member of that excul, you’ll be famous, exsist, and blablabla . . lalala . . but the selection was not easy and made ur body sick and ur emotion up. ARGH !! FORGET IT !!
And now I be member of X7 class. Whereas I wish I could be in X4. I want pass the record. VII-4, VIII-4, IX-4 and wish X4 but cant be reality. T^T. yasudahlah . .
Udah ah inggrisnya. Inggris bikin gabisa cerewet. Padahalkan aslinya aku tu cerewet banget. Wkwwk..
X7 not so bad jugag lho. Kelasnya gayeng. Garagara ada ICAL a.k.a lebaywatinya X7. (mau bilang agak Banci tapi gatega. Ups xp). Trus ada IBNU a.k.a NARJI CARI JODOH. Bahan ledekan yg oke. Tapi mukanya mirip bgt lho sama NARJI. Asli gabohong. Ada lagi AZHAR yang tukang ngantug, MAMAH DINI yang bongsor dari pekan baru, KHARIS ketua kelas yg bikin aku inget sama mas Hargo, ANIS a.k.a mba bekhel a.k.a istrinya Kharis di kelas, dan . . banyak lah . .
Dan taukan kau blog bahwa ada teori, “kalok pengen semangat sekolah yaharus punya kecengan” hahaha . and I got that KECENGAN. Just call him JHS. Bukan JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL lho. Tapi JI HOO SUNBAE. Habis wajahnya mirip banget sama Kim Hyun Joong yang jadi Yoon Ji Hoo di BBF. Karna dia kelas XI sementara aku X, that means dia seniorku (SUNBAE=SENIOR).
Sebenernya aku tau nama dan kelasnya (yang diketahui secara bejo), tapi aku gamau gembargembor di blog ah. Ntar kalok ada anak SMADA yang bacakan mati aku. Aku gamau JHS banyak yg ngepens. Soalnya JHS ga begitu mencolok walau dia member of TONTI. Lagian JHS baik lho . . diantara anak2 Tonti yg nyiksa adek kelas secara lahir batin, dia ENGGAK TERMASUK. Baikkan dia . .

Oya . . aku sekarang CRAZY OF BBF a.k.a BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS. Film korea ntuh. Yang gatau pasti kelamaan ikut Tonti jadi ketinggalan jaman. Soalnya lagi booming banget ntuh drama korea.
Aneh lho, padahal aku dulu antipati ma koreakorean kayak gitu and gak dong kalo anak IX-2 bilang cowok2 korea ganteng. Tapi sekarang . . aku baru DONG kalok Korea ternyata KEREN. Emang aku DDR (daya dong rendah). Telaaaattt . . xp
Dan cowok BBF tu okeoke ternyata.
Aku awalnya naksirnya ama LEE MIN HOO a.k.a GOO JUN PYO. Uda ngumpul2in potonya and pasang2 di kamar, eh sekarang aku CINNTTTAAA banget ama KIM HYUN JOONG a.k.a YOON JI HOO.
Kapan deh aku posting translatenya Because Im Stupid by SS501. keren soalnya. Hahaha . .
Udah ya . .
Dadah . .
