Yes i am one of those. So what ? ?

To the point. Aku GASUKA sama org yang bisanya NGE-ALAYALAY-IN orang lain. Trus sama orang yg sukany NGE-LEBAYLEBAY-IN orang lain.

Sombong! Sok sempurna! Gag NGACA sebelum bilang kek gitu.

Jadi critanya td aq hbs baca blog orang yg UNTUNGNYA aq gakenal.

Di blogny ituh si orang nulis tentang ciri2 orang ALAY dan betapa sebelnya dy sama para ALAYers itu.

Sering bgt aq nemu orang2 jenis kayak gini. Gag yg di dunia maya atao yg dunia nyata. Buat aq mereka tuh such as MUNAFIK person. Sok sokan.

Dan yah, meski mungkin ini bakalan ALAY bgt, tapi anda anda yg suka bilangin orang lain ALAY sebenerny yg ALAY tu ya KALIAN SENDIRI!!

Mungkin u all the readers pasti mikir kalo saya ALAY dan LEBAY.
Yes, I am. Yes im sucha ALAY PERSON. I proudly confess it. So? What? Is that something wrong?

U all could to hate me , disslike me , or some what like that. I dont even care bout that. Nothing but waste my time.

Im happy with my ALAY thingy. And if u wont to respect me and disslike me or what i have been doin, u just cant leave me or dont look at me or dont make a friendship with me. Gampang to?

And the most important thing is DONT SAY SOMETHING BAD BOUT ME AT BACKSIDE OF ME ! ! Its hurtin. Tinggal ngomong langsung ama aq kan gasusah.
Once more . .
