
Showing posts from 2015

Hello, Allah!

Hai! Temen-temen, pasti banyak deh diantara kalian yang suka sama Adele dan saya yakin banget kalian juga pasti tahu lah lagu terbarunya Adele yang Hello. Suka ataupun nggak suka, penggemar ataupun bukan penggemar, lagu ini lagi sering banget diputer dimana-mana jadi at least familiar lah ya di kuping. Nah, kali ini saya mau share salah satu cover-an yang lain dari pada yang lain dari lagu Hello ini. Video cover yang ada di atas itu tuh adalah sebuah karya dari Omar Esa, artis nashid dari UK. Mas Omar Esa ini dengan kerennya ngerombak lagu Adele ini jadi lagu religi yang super cool!  Ini saya kasih cuplikan bagian reff-nya dulu aja ya Hello from the outside,  I will never say goodbye. My lord I love you, for everything that you’ve done, You saved me from life, i t doesn’t tear me apart anymore Well, kalau mau denger versi complete nya silahkan videonya di play. Kalau mau lebih jelas baca liriknya yang super menggugah dan bikin kita senantiasa meng...

Somewhat Like Quarter Life-Crisis

Tidak terasa sudah menginjak semester ke 7 saya menjadi mahasiswi. When I said 'tidak terasa', I really means that. Masa kuliah ini, buat saya, rasanya cepat sekali.  Menyenangkan? Ya, tentu saja. Mendapatkan kesempatan menuntut ilmu di Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis terbaik di Indonesia tentu saja adalah suatu kehormatan. Suatu kehormatan yang dalam beberapa presepektif bisa dibilang saya sia-siakan. Bisa dibilang saya benar-benar merasakan menjadi seorang mahasiswi yang sebenar-benarnya mahasiswi adalah sewaktu saya menginjakan semester 6. Ya, betapa terlambatnya. 5 semester yang lalu saya habiskan dengan sibuk berorganisasi dan bergabung dengan kepanitaan acara-acara kampus. 5 semester memprioritaskan kuliah di bawah hal-hal yang seharusnya menjadi ekstrakulikuler. Apa saya menyesal? Tidak. Tidak akan pernah. Walaupun ada yang mengatakan 5 semester saya sia-sia, juga ada yang bilang saya terlalu lama berada di comfort zone, ada juga yang mengatakan bahwa saya ha...

Something About Love

I wrote the words: I will make the relationship up with everyone who loves me early in 2015 as one of my targets of the year. The good news is that this target not just turn in to bullshit, I really work for it. I got surprised with the fact that this seemed-like-easy-thing became very, very, very difficult task. I never thought that my tears would shed. I never thought that it would be burden. And right now, I am very tired.  Am I giving up? No. I believe that good intention wont go wrong. I believe that every little thing I did has impact, it never wasted. I believe my sincerity wont put me in sorrow. Am I happy? I don't know. But even it hurts, I'm happy that I'm able to love.

What If

I hate the term “What if”. That simple sentence always leads me to self disappointment and regret. When the words “what if” crossed my mind, the condition was always possible to be on my side IF I dare to take the chance. So what is the big deal? Why don’t I catch what I want? Why I let me be disappointed with myself? I buried the dream to go to Big Bang Made in Jakarta Concert when I decided to go to Sabang for community service. I knew that I’ve been struggling for collecting and saving money for almost 2 years just to make this silly goal come true. But it came out the date of the concert, which was on August 1st 2015, was still my period of doing the community services. To go to the Jakarta from Sabang and get back to the west-est island in my country was not a joke. Plus, I need to spend more money for transportation and accommodation. Plus, I was not allowed to go for more than 3 days. Plus, I was the secretary of my team, it put me in the-you-have-more-responsibility-m...

Community Services Story : The Other Iedul Fitri

August 17th 2015 we, moslem people around the world were celebrating our big day, Iedul Fitri. But for me, it was a very big day because I celebrated events in a day. First, the iedul fitri it selves. Second, it was the very first time for me to celebrate Iedul Fitri without my big family! At first, I couldn’t wait for the iedul fitri day to come. Super excited to experience the ambience of Iedul Fitri in Sabang, an island that hold Islam in the high esteem. We (me and my home mates) woke up around 5.30 am and prepare ourselves to do Iedul Fitri prayer. We took a bath and wore the best clothes (in our suitcase, of course) then we put some make ups on our faces. And then went to the mosque early because we afraid that we might didn’t get the prayer spot. It was a routine before doing ied prayer when we were in Java. Later I understand, the Iedul Fitri spirit (that things me and my friends did) was just occur in Java. When I came to the mosque, I was quiet shock when I saw a...

Community Service's Story : Sabang, For The Very First Time

This photo was taken at the tip of the island.  We left the hotel at 8am in the morning to catch the boat (we thought the boat would sail at 10am). That day, July 3rd 2015, we wore our NAD 02 t-shirt and for the girls, we all wore skirt and each of us wore hijab! From the outside I felt like I was a part of Madrasah Tsanawiyah group. Wkwkwkwk Apparently the bus was moving to Situs Tsunami PLTN Apung. It was one of real evidences that Aceh’s Tsunami was real horrifying. The PLTN Apung taken along by the water and got stuck in that place. So bad when we were get there, it still closed, so we just took photos in front of the gate. In front of PLTN Apung We got to Ulee Lheue Ferry Port around 9.30am and got stuck there about 6 hours because the boat departed at 3pm. Around 5pm WIBB (Waktu Indonesia bagian Barat Banget) we reached Sabang Island! Our tummies were soooo empty and our throats dry but the open fasting time was still 2 hours to go. Fasting was so ha...

Community Services Story : The Amazing Banda Aceh

After a very loooong process of documents, financial and projects preparation, July 2nd 2015 me and my community service’s team called NAD 02 went to Sabang Island. It took us almost 10 hours (flights and delays) from Jogja to Banda Aceh.  To go to the Sabang Island, we need to take flight to Banda Aceh first and then sailing by boat to the island. But the boat only sailed at 2pm, so we need to stay a day at Banda Aceh.  It was around 4pm when we landed in Sultan Iskandar Muda international airport Banda Aceh but the atmosphere was like 2pm in Jogja. And what surprised us more was the fact that the ‘azan ashar’ was just reverberated!  Sultan Iskandar Muda International Airport Like it was not enough, my friend, Dian, told us “Be patient guys, azan maghrib is around 7pm” and he giggled. We, the 22 persons whom never stepped our feet at Banda Aceh, started to feel blue. Well we were fasting, and after the looong way of our course, we definitely felt rea...

Sebuah Pengakuan dan Hadiah Ulang Tahun

Aku terbang dalam belenggu Bagaimana bisa kamu menangkap noda-ku? Mengingat semua kebiasaanku Menyungging senyum dan berlalu Aku mendamba dalam cemburu Sungguh ingin ku ucapkan kata rindu Dalam cinta yang tak mampu Yang membuatku beranjak dan membisu Aku bersembunyi dalam ruang tak berbatu Ku lontarkan semua teori untuk membuatmu tergugu Namun kini lelah kakiku berlari darimu Seberapapun jauhnya aku melaju Selalu kembali aku ke pelukanmu Aku gila dibuatmu Meski ku tahu kita tak kan baik jika bersatu Aku mencintaimu Ingin ku teriakkan pada dunia asal tidak menyakitimu Ingin ku kukuhkan pada semesta asal kau mau ******************* If maybe you drop your eyes to this, yes, its for you. Its my birthday present for you. And your birthday gift for me (for letting your heart burdened by every words I wrote). Well, after all the dramas and lies, I guess, it will be beautiful if we make honesty as our present, right? Happy ver...

In a Blue Moon

Well, this is it, Ilana Tan's new book, In a Blue Moon.  Jujur, sewaktu lihat buku ini di rak toko buku, mata saya berbinar binar. Ilana Tan memang salah satu pengarang novel favorit saya. Dan tentu saja, kali itu saya tidak akan melewatkan karya Ilana Tan yang terbaru ini. Jadi, langsung saya bawa ke kasir. Ekspektasi saya tinggi, karena lima karya Ilana Tan sebelumya benar-benar membuat saya jatuh cinta.  Ini cerita tentang Sophie Wilson dan Lucas Ford yang memiliki sejarah buruk di masa lalu dan sepuluh tahun kemudian dipertemukan kembali oleh perjodohan secara sepihak oleh kakek mereka.  Saya tidak akan bercerita lebih lanjut karena takut akan jadi spoiler. Saya disini hanya ingin mengomentari dan memberi kesan saya terhadap novel yang digadang menjadi mega bestseller ini.  Berita baiknya, novel ini ringan. Bisa dibilang ini karya Ilana yang paling ringan. Atau sebenarnya ini hanya efek cara bercerita Ilana? Karena sesungguhnya menurut s...

They MADE it!

Well its actually quite late to tell and I guess most of you have already known the fact I want to announce. Okay, not announce, its me cant stop my self for being annoying to anyone around me because I cant stop to always blabbering about MY BOYS FINALLY MADE THEIR COMEBACK AFTER THIS LONG 3 YEARS OF WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!! *wooooooooo* *whistling* And the fact that YG (their agency) take the album super seriously, makes me super relieved. I dont know its YG feeling sorry to all the VIPs for have made them wait so long, or its Mr YG is a genius, so that the comeback is no joke. Its brilliant. Its different from another boy bands comebacks or even debuts. That is why I always love Big Bang. I am not so gonna tell you about the concept. Or the comeback. Or anything related to how YG capturing people's heart for the Big Bang's new album. If you are interested you can just browse :p Im gonna talk about every thought crosses my mind about the songs in Made new album, and t...

Kissin' You

.....When I’m kissing you it all starts making sense  And all the questions I’ve been asking in my head  Like, "Are you the one? Should I really trust?"  Crystal clear it becomes when I’m kissing you - Kissin' You by Miranda Cosgrove “Reyna! Ya Tuhan……”  Sesosok lelaki berperawakan tidak terlalu tinggi menghambur ke arah Reyna tepat ketika gadis itu mencapai  pagar depan rumahnya yang tidak tertutup. Membuat Reyna mendongakkan leher yang sedari tadi ia tundukan dalam perjalanannya menuju rumah. Vino, seseorang yang sangat tidak ia harapkan ada di beranda rumahnya saat ini sedang menyambutnya. Menatap dirinya dengan kekhawatiran yang sarat terpancar dari kedua bola mata coklat tua.  “Kamu naik apa? Ya Tuhanku kamu jalan dari Sudirman?” Tanya lelaki itu lagi sambil menyisir rambut pendeknya yang lurus dengan jemari lalu menekan rambutnya kuat-kuat, tanda ia benar-benar frustasi.


You'll finally understand a fate when you run... run... run.. and keep running for something and it remains to chase and catch you.

Liebster Award

Ceritanya saya ini baru saja selesai melaksanakan ibadah Ujian Tengah Semester dan karena dompet saya cukup menyedihkan untuk diajak merayakan moment bahagia ini, jadilah saya pulang lalu menyalakan laptop dan blogwalking . Di tengah keasyikan saya ber- blogwalking ria, saya menemukan Ayu Riana , salah satu blogger favorit saya, sedang bagi-bagi Liebster Award. Karena saya nggak ada yang ngasih award , yaudah secara mandiri saya ambil sendiri lah ya mumpung lagi dibagi juga sama mbak Ayu. Hahaha Apasih Liebster Award ini? Kalau kata mbak Ayu sih " semacam kegiatan iseng dan lucu untuk mengisi waktu luang para  blogger".  Nah ya karena saya memang sedang kekurangan asupan kegiatan, ini saya buat punya saya deh. hehehe Aturan main: Penerima Award wajib berterima kasih kepada pemberi Award. Penerima Award wajib mendeskripsikan 11 fakta mengenai dirinya. Penerima Award wajib menjawab 11 pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh si pemberi Award. Penerima Award wajib me...

The Family Time, Finally

As you grow older, how many times the thought of going out to some interesting places or family attractions with your family instead of friends or lovers crossed your mind? For me, its rare. Even almost never.  The most ironic part is that when I was a kid, going out with my nuclear family was our weekly routines. Like every Sunday, my parents took me and my sister to anywhere. To laugh. To love. But as time passed, things change. Its hard to just even meet at home in a complete formation.  But miracle came to us today. Like finally God gave us time to bond. Time to be enjoyed as a nuclear family after all the things we have done in the past years which made us this 'far' from each other. Yes, YEARS. I haven't gone out with my family for YEARS. So, I cherished every seconds of our togetherness. The super very rare togetherness. The super very rare family time.  Parang Kusumo Beach [04.30 A.M] Pardon my face :") ...