
Showing posts from February, 2010

Togetherness and A Melodious Sentence

She is back. my dearest sista Latifa Zahra Sabrina is now at home. yeah she has a week holidays. and will be back to her pondok after my birthday. so do my dad. remember his promised that he'll comes on that day. oh im so glad to thinking that my family will be complete at home on my day. something that rarely happened in my family. :DDD well, been a week since me and my mom, both live together. and last evening, i heard my mom told my sist about me. she said, "Fa, kakakmu jadi lebih dewasa sejak ditinggal Papak," oh do you know my feeling was? i know u can simply guess that. :) finntaaa


Try Out SMADA 2010/2011 WAS TOTALLY FUN!!! hahhahaha i just cant explain. woohooooo di try out itu aku dapet bagian. aku dan beberapa anak lain kebagian jaga ruang. aku sama Rahma kebagian jaga ruang 5. dan ternyata yang namanya jaga ruang ujian tuh ga gampang. kita diharusin sampe sana jam 6 pagi. JAM 6 PAGI meeeen . . MINGGU lagi. jam segitu biasanya my dear selimut masi setia nemenin aku mengarungi dunia mimpi. :apasiih . . . : -___________- tapi berhubung aku orangnya karetan banget, ya aku sampe sana jam 6.30. dan bangganya, yang karetan gak cuma aku og. xixixixixi pas sampe sana pas TM dimulai. aku seruang sama Rahma. hahaha bejo bgt. yang lain cowo cewe dan sama kakak kelas. nha aku? aku dah knal Rahma 4 taun ya ....... wkwkwkwk ya trus TO jam 6.45. aku ma Rahma berusaha menjadi pengawas yang baik dengan cara ngegosip via twitter saat bertugas. hwakakakakaakakakakaa ya ngga separah itu juga nding. tugas kita tuh ngebaca rule dan opening PAKE INGGRIS. trus ...

A Very Rare Holiday

So, im curently alone now. My mother is going with her friends to visit her sick friend. My father . . . uh . . he moves to Surabaya for a looooooooooooooooong time forward . He have some jobs in there. And I don’t know when he’s gonna be back to Jogja and living with me and my mom again. But he promised me to come back here on my birthday. He said he will buy me montong’s duren for the day. Hehehehe just straight to ur promised dad. Im waiting for you :DD My sister? As you know where she is. She is enjoying her life at her Pondok. And she don’t wanna go home except if there were any problems or holidays. And here we are. Me and my mother. Both at our small-but-comfort house. Two ladies. No no no !! with our fishes actually. Sometimes with mosquitos, ants, house lizards, flies, and many mooore . . . Yeah, if I want ‘peacefulness, comfortness, composure’ condition, I have to keep this togetherness and being a good daughter. I have to keep my mom. Hahaahhahaha . . . Btw, I ...


kemaren si Astri nunjukin tulisan di bukunya. ginini . . "when there is a will, there is a way" ya cuma ngingetin aja dulu alm. kakung pernah ngasi tau aku peribahasa itu waktu umurku 7 ato 8 taunnan. dulu sih aku gak dong bllassssss maksudnya apa. tapi sekarang aku dah dong. brarti kakung nyuruh aku pantang nyerah y?? wkwkwkw miss u kunnnnnnngggggg . . . T.T finntaaa

Hearts of Mine


An Eternal Valentine

Hell-o . . . :D Wanna say GONG XI FA CAI for anyone who is celebrate it. Don’t forget gimme an angpau ok?? Xixixixixi ^^ And HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY !!! Actually I haven’t someone to celebrate with. I mean a boyfriend. Heeem boys are sucks!!! (except all boys in my famm and my besties) So, I opened my Valentine day with did-a-very-washing-day. Yeah, I washed my shoes, chair, bedcover, sprei, and the last, my motor bike. I felt my hands becoming stiff and rugged. But it not that important. I wanna celebrate this day with people I loved. Especially my parents. Feels like I have no time with them since I hate for being together. Why do I hate? Cos they never been satisfied enough of me. Of what I’ve done. And I hate if there is any commotion. I hate when they yelled on me. When they blamed me. And I hate if I got my self uncontroller and burned. No wonder if I keep the distance with ‘em. I stir my self up at school. Cause just in there, the place that I can go, leave my da...

The Last Stare

Siang menjelang sore hari. Kantin Smada. Mendung. Jumat, 12 Februari 2010 . . I did honest to my besties. About my hesitancy of him. About how he treats me. About the way he looks at me. All in my mind and what i feel of him. Then, next vanilla latte . . She told me how she thought when the first time i said, ''look at him! He's damn cute ! !'' Especially when i said that i loved him . . Then, my other bestie came . . She said, ''can i ask him? I want to know What he feel on you. I have been knowing him since when we were in JHS''. Me, ''NO! Dont do that''. She, ''ok. You know what to do girl . . '' Yes. I know what to do. I'll let the feeling go out of my heart. I'll be a girl who careless of you. I'll kill all of you that still living in my head. Enough. Than i smile to them. I was happy for being honest to my self, to my friends . . It felt like my problems were flying away. I love for...

VERY GREAT :((((((

aku ganti templates lagi. item. sesuai hatiku sekarang yang lagi item bgt. gatau kenapa. sekarang aku di warnet tapi pikiran ga jelas. kepala pusing and do know what else. aku kacau. gatau apa yg bikin aku seburuk ini. aku gak mau mikir. tapi kepikiran. GOD i need to take a rest. aku gak mau sekolah aku gak mau ketemu temen-temen aku gak mau pulang aku gak mau ketemu ortu aku gak mau ketemu adek ku aku gak mau ketemu kakakku aku gak mau ketemu sobatku aku gak mau ketemu bagas aku cuma mau nangis aku mau nulis aku mau sendiri GOD PLEASE TELL ME WHAT HAPPEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too Terible :(

Quick update ajah ya, soalnya ini juga cuma nyolong-nyolong lagi ngerjain tugas kimia. masalahnya nek ketauan aku blogging padahal aku nggarap tugas mesti aku bakal dapet siraman rohani gratis. aku lagi males aja gitu pake disirem rohani ma bonyok. jadi gini, aku gak ada semangat belajar nih. tauk deh kenapa. gak tau gurunya, suasana, ato temen-temen, kelas yg penuh masalah, ato mood yg gak lagi nge-in untuk blajar . . (padune fiiiin . . .) yang jelas ini dari akunya. oke, ini salah. aku sadar aku harus berubah. aku gak bisa gini terus jadi anak gak bertanggung jawab yang tiap pagi pamit, "buk, pak, aku brangkat sekolah dulu ya . . ". oke emang aku berangkat sekolah . tapi buat apa? dan kalo sampe rumah telat cuma bilang, "maap ya buk pulang telat, ada yang harus dikerjain e . . " padahal mung ngelayap ra cetho. tapi gimana sih caranya berubah? dulu aku juga gak ginigini amat. aku sampe sekolah belajar, ngerjain soal, dan merhatiin guru. aku juga jarang ...

Sepoeh vs Sesat

hai blogg . . hehehe ini aku posting tengah malem pakek teknologi terbaru laptopku lho :D yaikh!! gut news, laptopku jadi keren bgt lho skarang :DDD thanks a lot for my beloved daddy dah. btw, bosen gak sih denger ceritaku tentang Bagas? aku yang nulis aja bosen apa lagi yang baca? ya gak . . . nha maka dari itu, aku mau cerita tentang pengalamanku hari ini tadi ada Liga SMADA hari kedua. yang maen SEPOEH (X7) vs SESAT (X1) dan SOPAN (X8) vs SLIM (X5). berhubung aku adalah anak SEPOEH sejati, jadi aku yo mung nonton pertandingan SEPOEH doang. tapi aku tau kok hasil akhir pertandingan kedua. SLIM menang atas SOPAN 5-3 kan? hwehehehehe aku cukup update lho ;D oke langsung aja ceritanya . . ini pertandingan bola. BUKAN futsal. so, yang maen 11 orang. berhubung cowonya sepoeh cuma 12 (itu juga uda ditambah ical lho . . ), jadi semua maen dengan cadangan ical. wkwkwkwk pertandingan berlangsung di lapangan Sidomoyo dengan cuaca yang mendung gr...

new templates . .

hey . . lets see . . something different isn't it? yeah i just changed my templates. what do you think guys? is it better and cool? or worst? yeah, looks feminim . . in love making me feminim. hehehehe . . just keep reading my blog yeaaaa . . :DD fintaaaa . . :D

Do u know that i thought of u even in math class?

Hello hello blog sayangs. Aku nulis ini posting sembari nunggu Bu Wahyu dateng ke kelasku . Oke lah, sebenernya Bu Wahyu uda dateng. Tapi so what? I dont wanna get my self so into her kok. I just want him to fill up my day. Hahahaha Tapi kalo terlalu lama ketemu dia kayak gini aku juga jadi lil bit bored gtu. Aku dah crita belum kalo dia uda pernah ngomong sama aku? Kalo dia selama beberapa hari 'deket' sama aku? Yes, to be a normal girl who has feeling to him, ya aku senenglah. Yang ditunggu-tunggu malah. Tapi, i found another sides of him and the problem is i dont like that. And i seen from his words that he do loves *** **** . That was killing me inside. I could thought well for 1 night. Until i judge my self that i lost that feeling. Ilfil gitu. Dan katakata itu emang diperuntukkan untuk bales katakataku tentang sobat cowoku. Ya sebenernya perasaan ilfil ini bisa awet. Tapi masalahnya dia ngancurin rasa ilfil ku. Dy makin sering muncul dan rasa ilfil ini lamala...