
Showing posts from September, 2016

Prahara Ottogi Cheese Ramen

Beberapa waktu lalu, dalam rangka mengisi kegabutan saya menanti skripsi yang nyangkut berkepanjangan di meja dosen pembimbing saya yang maha sibuk (curhat), saya memutuskan untuk menonton drama Korea yang baru saja tamat di SBS.  Yaps, Doctors. Iya, drama yang Park Shin Hye sama Kim Rae Won itu lho.  Tapi yaudah lah ya, bukan itu yang mau saya bahas di sini. Jadi sebenernya yang mau saya bahas di sini adalah cemilan saya ketika lagi nonton Doctors itu. Hahaha. Seiring dengan merebaknya virus Korea di negara kita tercinta ini, makin macem-macem aja yang jadi didemamin. Dulu boyband, terus drama, nah sekarang makanan. Yoi, seiring makin banyak stand makanan Korea di mall-mall, sekarang makanan Korea makin hits aja. Let me mention one, Samyang. Samyang yang super pedes itu. Samyang yang demi apa pun juga nggak bakal masuk perut saya lagi saking pedesnya. Nah karena saya nggak lagi-lagi menyentuh Samyang, maka perhatian saya pun teralih pada Ottogi Cheese Ram...

5 Cool Things About Sabrina

My love for Harrison Ford brought me to one of his movies, Sabrina. Harrison Ford, the actor that rarely doing romantic comedy and he did it in 1995. Because it was so one of a kind, I try to find the movie. I cant stop wondering and so curious why Mr. Ford, the Indiana Jones and the Han Solo accepted the role. I always thought that my love for Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan's You've Got A Mail wont be replaced as my number one favorite movie of all time, and I never expect any other film would be as good as the You've Got A Mail. So did Sabrina. Moreover the ratings were not so good either. Just because Harrison Ford so I came to watch. And then, I stunned. The movie was so beautiful and dazzling. It has so many beautiful scenes that stuck in my head that I couldn't stop thinking. So memorable.