
Showing posts from October, 2009

Thats why my legs doesnt sexy again

jadi ini post uda aku masukin FB, tapi uda tak rubah dikit gitu . . check this out!!! Look at that picture . .!! Yah that looks ummm lil bit freak, isnt it?? Guess what, that’s my legs. Yah beside the colors or the shape or what so ever which are u see in that pic, I want u to give attention on that bandage. And something what on it that have red colors. That’s my blood. Yes, my legs get hurted. I wanna tell you about my dramatical story that happened to me and my legs. I want to tell clearly so I’ll use bahasa Indonesia. Jadi, the story began when Novi, Wiratri, and me mau pergi makan siomay di tempatnya Kang Cepot. It placed at Jakal km brapa gatau. Yah emang slaen uda jadi tukang somay famous, konon kabarnya Kang Cepot ini adalah tukang somay favorit kami. So, ya kita males aja kalo harus makan somay di tempat laen. Pokoknya, Kang Cepot adalah best of the best Tukang Somay deah!! U all have to mampir kesana!! Dan nek uda mampir jangan lupa nyicipi. Ato u all bakalan nyesel. (KAN...

I did NYALON guys!

Hello everybody! Hows ur sunday? Mine . . umm . . Yeah i got a funtastic experience for sucha katrok one like me. Let me tell u . . I have made over my self!! No! Not made over. I did treatment at salon. Yup! For a God heavens, It kinda fun! My mainly reason is to kill a civilization on my head. So that, i did HAIR MASK. Yg mencurigakan adalah, they asked me to wear kemben. Yah aq uda cengar cengir ga jelas minta penjelasan. Finta : 'lho mbak, kan saya mau HAIR mask. Knp pake kemben?' Si mbakny : 'kan juga mau dipijet mbak . . ' Oke. Pasrah. I felt grateful to brought much money. Than, they asked me to sat on tempat kramas. Dan saya duduk. That mbak salon washed my hair. Trus udahan keramasny kan. Nha aq duduk deh ditempat duduk (iyalah masak di wc?). Si mbak2 salonpun mulai asyik maskerin rambutq pakek alpokat while i woried kalo2 kembenny mlorot. Itu kemben kegedean gitu si. Padahal yg ukuran se aku kan ada. bzzt . . Than, after mask processed, ti...

I am a secret admire one. And im proud of it :DD

Hello mellow yellow guuuurrllsss . . I lost my ability to write on if i aint in love. I mean not at all kok. But it doesnt as fluent as if im on it. And now . . . umm . . Im stil not on in love but but but . . mmmm . . . I just admire to someone and he is catchy to me. (Yeah if he isnt catchy i never wanted to admire him lah. Piye je . . ) FYI, he is my senior at SMADA (the coolest school in the whole world dah!) And the shitty things which ve been happening is he has TAKEN!! Poor me . . :(( Ok, he dont know ANYTHING bout me actually. Maybe to look toward me aja kayakny he has no time. Yeah if someday there is a miracle come and he knows my name, i would sujud syukur. Huehehe . . Ok the point is . . (Wis mubeng2 akhire yo point e lg saiki) today i went school with him!! Ok you permited to think anything. But i clarificated, I WAS JUST IN BEHIND OF HIM, BY MY OWN MOTORBIKE. Sounds uncool i know. But i didnt follow him kok. He was overtaking me when i was riding my motorb...

I heart my SHS whole life no matter if it full of my stupidity or my fussies mouth

Hey guys!! How's life? Mine is crowded. I heart my life for nowadays. Whatta gratify moments which were i had been getting at my whole SHS life. I must be greatful. I sucha fussy person and i over confidence with it. And i think it bring me close to many people who i've been knowing and have been knowing me. And i really happy if i walked arround the school and somebody was greeting me. It was so makin me loves my school atmosphere. And to having a lot of friend is so fun, isnt it? Maybe next time i'll post u my collection photos of me and amy friends. There were awesome! :D Just remembering when we were making an assembly in da mornin at the corner of the balcony. The pioner of this were Mamah Dini and Rara. By the times, i and Astri and sum people began to gather together with it assembly. We just did sumthing not important things like did gosiiping, readin miiko, eat snacks, and laughing to kill the morning times. It was so fun! And remembering back to sum sil...

Yes i am one of those. So what ? ?

To the point. Aku GASUKA sama org yang bisanya NGE-ALAYALAY-IN orang lain. Trus sama orang yg sukany NGE-LEBAYLEBAY-IN orang lain. Sombong! Sok sempurna! Gag NGACA sebelum bilang kek gitu. Jadi critanya td aq hbs baca blog orang yg UNTUNGNYA aq gakenal. Di blogny ituh si orang nulis tentang ciri2 orang ALAY dan betapa sebelnya dy sama para ALAYers itu. Sering bgt aq nemu orang2 jenis kayak gini. Gag yg di dunia maya atao yg dunia nyata. Buat aq mereka tuh such as MUNAFIK person. Sok sokan. Dan yah, meski mungkin ini bakalan ALAY bgt, tapi anda anda yg suka bilangin orang lain ALAY sebenerny yg ALAY tu ya KALIAN SENDIRI!! Mungkin u all the readers pasti mikir kalo saya ALAY dan LEBAY. Yes, I am. Yes im sucha ALAY PERSON. I proudly confess it. So? What? Is that something wrong? U all could to hate me , disslike me , or some what like that. I dont even care bout that. Nothing but waste my time. Im happy with my ALAY thingy. And if u wont to respect me and disslike me or w...