Thats why my legs doesnt sexy again
jadi ini post uda aku masukin FB, tapi uda tak rubah dikit gitu . . check this out!!! Look at that picture . .!! Yah that looks ummm lil bit freak, isnt it?? Guess what, that’s my legs. Yah beside the colors or the shape or what so ever which are u see in that pic, I want u to give attention on that bandage. And something what on it that have red colors. That’s my blood. Yes, my legs get hurted. I wanna tell you about my dramatical story that happened to me and my legs. I want to tell clearly so I’ll use bahasa Indonesia. Jadi, the story began when Novi, Wiratri, and me mau pergi makan siomay di tempatnya Kang Cepot. It placed at Jakal km brapa gatau. Yah emang slaen uda jadi tukang somay famous, konon kabarnya Kang Cepot ini adalah tukang somay favorit kami. So, ya kita males aja kalo harus makan somay di tempat laen. Pokoknya, Kang Cepot adalah best of the best Tukang Somay deah!! U all have to mampir kesana!! Dan nek uda mampir jangan lupa nyicipi. Ato u all bakalan nyesel. (KAN...