
Showing posts from May, 2009

Happy B'day Dear . .

HAPPY B'Day SISTA . . Wish u all the best !!! muaaah . . btw, i wanna answer Nindi's question :( yeah nindi. im verrrrryyyy HEARTACHE about that. and im so sad coz u and all of clasmate thought the same with u. and im so so so sad coz i dont know what is my fault. and i wish the time rushing along.

Emosi . . hiah . .

Geelak! Anjrot! Damn! Ih rasanya gue tersinggung bgd d! Y ampun mksud gue baik tauk! Ga ada mksud jelek blas. Ya ampun gue ga dihargain. Mangny kalian pikir aku kayak gini ntu mksudny ap?! MEMUDAHKAN KALIAN !! Malah nyepelein geto lg! Uh Mangkel ako! Sabar . . Sabar . . Orang sabar disayang pacar . . Ufh . . Tarik napas . . hembuskan . .

Hari Terakhir tapi Sad Ending

Heheheeheh . . Sayonara!! Sayonara!! UASnya uda selesai !! SAYONARA !! Penderitaan bgt deh tadi pas UAS hari ini. When : Rabu, 13 Mei 2009 Where : SKOLAH What : UAS AGAMA Lagi enak2 nongkrong gitu didepan mushola tiba2 . . TTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTT . .*belnya bunyi* Shella: Yo berjuang!! Chris : iya ni hari trakhir Aku : IYA SEMANGATTT!!! Trus ke kelas masing-masing. Dikelasku Pas nglewatin bangku Ryan Ryan : Fin, aku gga belajar lho !! Eh kamu punya kertas gga. *sambil ngrogohngrogoh laci gitu* gajadi Fin, aku ada kertas og. Nanti aku bantuin yaa . . . Aku : *bengong dalam hati pengen nimpuk Ryan sambil bilang ‘aku juga gga belajare hehehe’ sembil senyum setan Trus tiba2 pengawasnya dateng tak lain tak bukan adalah BU SEPTI ama PAK BAMBANG MINTARAGA. Trus mereka bagiin soalnya. Nha pas itu gga tau kenapa tiba2 ada feeling2 gaenak gitu. Hadu mampus nni. Kaga blajar sama sekali lagi . . wawawaww!! Semoga ajja soalnya kaga sulit. Nengok nengok keblakang gitu ne...

When i believe . .

i really, really, really dont know what i want to do. i felt like faucet. yes, a big float came to me. but i wont tell it. it make me ashamed. ok ?? and now guys, its time to school exam. but i really havent intention to study. if in final exam i do honest, but for this, im not promise. hehehehe . . tell me how to study seriously !! because i cant. yah, its not totaly my fault, its the subject fault. why the subject isnt interest?? hehe,, maybe im not fair. but in this world what is fair?? only subject which i like, i will learn seriously but if the subject which i hate, only hearing its just name, I have wanted puking. and now, can be told i do the exam WITHOUTH STUDY !! claps ur hand !! and if i get 8 in each every subject, ITS JUST MIRACLE . . . . it can be miracle, when u believe . . . . who know what miracle u can achive . . . . when u believe somehow u will . . . . u will when u believe . . (mariah carey-when u believe) AND I BELIEVE !!!

Where is me?

I feels so alone. Altought i know that i have all my best friend. I lost something important in my life. I lost my self. I miss my self. Im different i know that. I became silent. And i lost my friend. I feel alone. Oh . . Where is me?


Hello all . . Im back from a period of hiatus becoz of UNAS. And now . . UNAS remain memory !!! lol . Yah rather than underestimating, but its easier than the try out. And now, I just can prayer hope that I can pass the final exam and get the MAXIMUM NEM and becoming student of 1 shs. Aminnnn . . wish me luck !! Ok, now I wont to tell u bout that. I have annoyed enaugh. And I’m sure that u are feel the same with me. But trust me, I did it my self without cheating or did dishonest. Now, its time to have fun again. I DON’T WANNA THINK ABOUT SCHOOL EXAM. I DON’T WANNA STUDY FOR THIS. I DON’T CARE. But when I told it to Shella, she advised me “ if you dishonest when u do the school exam althought its not too important for you to get your dream school, im sure that THE MIRACLE OF UNAS will be not have an effect on.” Oh so sweet . . she is tactful suddenly. I wanna cry . . T~T Oh my GOD !! I forgot something important !! I AM TAKEN !! Oh finally !! Not hospital. (my heart ...